
Want to make Fun,
Profitable free-to-play games?

The F2P Toolbox is a comprehensive guide to designing successful free-to-play games; but this is more than just a box. It's a brainstorming tool for you and your whole team, full of important ideas that will challenge your design ideas.

Containing over 150 pages of practical advice and insight, The F2P Toolbox is built around 54 'cards' - core ideas that every free-to-play designer needs to consider for their games. Work alone or with a team, you'll find The F2P Toolbox invaluable for your design process. It'll show you the right questions to ask of your design - and point you at the answers that will make your game successful, profitable and most of all, fun.

Order your copy now
How to Publish a Game


WOW! Never before have I seen such an incredible amount of F2P game design wisdom in such a small space! This is, by far, the best F2P design book I’ve ever read, and the best game design book I’ve seen this year. Whether you are new or old to F2P, you can’t afford to miss this amazing book!

Nicholas Lovell

Jesse Schell | CEO, Schell Games; Author, The Art of Game Design